Noah Savett Early Work Noah Savett Noah Savett Early Work Noah Savett

Noah Savett: The Dupre House Art Installation

Such love is rarely kind. Lisa, intoxicated by the thrill of Noah’s untamed ways, soon grew weary of them. Her gaze wandered, settling on Paulie, a so-called friend whose betrayal would cut deeper than Noah’s own bitterness. What followed was an eruption of anger—a storm of shouted words and shattered silences. Lisa, defiant and cruel, pursued what her heart desired. Noah, smoldering with fury, gave no quarter.

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Noah Savett Noah Savett

A Flame That Burns Through Time

Sophie Johnson didn’t see him, not yet, and that irked him. The flame of her hair burned against the sterile backdrop of white chairs and green grass. He wondered who she was. A cousin? A friend? Someone’s third wife-to-be? No matter. He decided then and there that she should see him.

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